Grace y Chris nos conquistaron nada más conocerlos, y supimos que nos íbamos a entender bien! Ella de Hong Kong, él de Londres, una pareja auténtica que buscaban una boda alejada de las clásicas celebraciones inglesas.
Grace estaba radiante con su dos piezas de Otaduy que le ayudamos a escoger y que completamos con un ramo que combinaba los colores escogidos para el resto de la boda: azul y melocotón.
Creamos un espacio a la sombra de una morera para la ceremonia, donde no faltaron las sombrillas chinas como guiño a la familia de Grace. Y seguidamente, de forma más íntima celebraron la «tea ceremony» que es tradición en China.
Disfrutaron del aperitivo en el jardín en el que no faltó el jamón que tanto les gusta. Y preparamos una zona para que pudieran jugar a petanca, que es un juego al que tienen tradición de jugar en familia.
Montamos la cena en el patio de la casa, dando total protagonismo al azul de los manteles y color melocotón de los centros. Diseñamos la gráfica para ellos y usamos melocotones como soporte para los marca-sitios que caligrafiamos a mano.
Como sorpresa, una banda divertidísima les esperaba en la disco para iniciar el baile! Estuvieron bailando con ellos las mejores canciones del pop-rock desde los 80 a las canciones más actuales hasta bien entrada la madrugada. Apuntaos esta idea porque siempre es un exitazo una banda en directo para el baile!
Grace, Chris, tal como dijisteis en vuestro brindis, sois nuestros nuevos amigos! Os visitaremos pronto en Londres! :)
Fotografía: Diez & Bordons
Grace and Chris won us over as soon as we met them, and we knew we were going to get along very well! A truly genuine couple, the bride from Hong Kong and the groom from London, who were looking for a wedding which was far from the classic English style celebrations.
Grace was radiant with her two Otaduy pieces which we helped her find and we styled her with a blue and peach bouquet: the chosen colours for the rest of the wedding. We created a space for the ceremony in the shade of a mulberry where we left Chinese parasols as a nod to Grace’s family heritage. Following the ceremony, they celebrated with the ‘tea ceremony’ in a more intimate setting for close family, which is a tradition in China.
They enjoyed canapes, in particular the Jamon which was adored by all, in the garden. We also prepared an area where they could play a game of petanca, a game that has become a tradition in their family. We had dinner out on the patio of the house, making sure the blue linens and the peach colours were at the centre stage of it all. We designed the graphics for them and used peaches to support the hand written calligraphy place cards. As a surprise, an animated and fun live band were waiting for them in the dance area to kick off the dancing! They danced to the best pop-rock songs until the early hours of the morning – we put this idea forward as its always exciting to have a live band for dancing!
Grace, Chris, as you said in your speech, you are our new friends – we can’t wait to visit you in London! ;)
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